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980 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10065
212 535 5096
Jonathan Boos specializes in 20th-century American paintings, drawings and sculpture, with a particular focus on museum-quality works from the Ashcan School, Modernism (especially the Stieglitz group), Realism, the American Scene, and the Post-war period.
Artists Represented:
Charles Alston
Benny Andrews
Ruth Asawa
John Atherton
Milton Avery
Leonard Baskin
Romare Bearden
George Bellows
Thomas Hart Benton
Theresa Bernstein
Harry Bertoia
Charles Biederman
Albert Bierstadt
Albert Bloch
Oscar Bluemner
Peter Blume
Aaron Bohrod
Ilya Bolotowsky
Charles Burchfield
Emerson Burkhart
Paul Cadmus
Alexander Calder
Anthony Caro
Clarence Carter
Mary Cassatt
Federico Castellón
Elizabeth Catlett
John Chamberlain
James Chapin
William Merritt Chase
Frederic Church 
Thomas Cole
John Rogers Cox
Ralston Crawford
Francis Criss
Stuart Davis
Willem de Kooning
Beauford Delaney
Charles Demuth
Edwin Dickinson
Preston Dickinson
Arthur Dove
Jean Dubuffet
Robert S. Duncanson
Philip Evergood
John Ferren
Helen Frankenthaler
Marshall Fredericks
Suzy Frelinghuysen
Jared French
Frederick Carl Frieseke
Albert Eugene Gallatin
Sanford Robinson Gifford
William Glackens
Michael Goldberg
Jean Albert Gorin
Adolph Gottlieb
Balcomb Greene
O. Louis Guglielmi
Robert Gwathmey
Marsden Hartley
Childe Hassam
Martin Johnson Heade 
Robert Henri
Barbara Hepworth
Joseph Hirsch
Hans Hofmann
Winslow Homer
Edward Hopper
Charles Howard
Richard Hunt
Gerome Kamrowski
Otis Kaye
Paul Kelpe
Henry Koerner
Walt Kuhn
Jacob Lawrence
Hughie Lee-Smith
Michael Lenson
Edmund Lewandowski
Norman Lewis
Jacques Lipchitz
Louis Lozowick
George Luks
Helen Lundeberg
John Marin
Fletcher Martin
Alfred Henry Maurer
Carl Milles
Joan Mitchell
François Morellet
George L.K. Morris
Jerome Myers
Elie Nadelman
Kenneth Noland 
Georgia O’Keeffe
Guy Pène du Bois
Jonh Frederick Peto
Horace Pippin
Edward Henry Potthast
Richard Pousette-Dart
Frederick Remington
Robert Riggs
Theodore Roszak
Betye Saar
John Singer Sargent
Zoltan Sepeshy
Richard Serra
Ben Shahn
Charles Green Shaw
Charles Sheeler
Everett Shinn
Clyde Singer
Elizabeth Sparhawk-Jones
Theodoros Stamos
John Storrs
Bob Thompson
Mark Tobey
George Tooker
Helen Torr
Jack Tworkov
Robert Vickrey
Charmion von Wiegand
James W. Washington, Jr.
Max Weber
Charles White
Hale Woodruff
Andrew Wyeth
Jamie Wyeth
Works Available By:
Milton Avery
Harry Bertoia
Kwesi Botchway
Arthur Dove
Helen Frankenthaler 
Bryan Hunt
Mervin Jules 
Henry Koerner 
Claude Lawrence
Norman Lewis
John Marin
Howardenia Pindell 
Hilla Rebay 
Theodore J. Roszak 
Charles Sheeler 
Lorna Simpson
Mark Tobey