Is the Killer Art Market Killing Art?
ADAA Collectors' Forum
Saturday, March 29, 10:00AM
Are the extravagant prices and record sales of the current art market affecting the creation and presentation of contemporary art?
ADAA brings together curators, artists, and gallery owners to discuss the implications of today's "killer market" and its influence on how we look at art.
The panelists will discuss such questions as: How do market forces impact the art being made today? Do these forces change the way the public approaches work? How can we make a distinction between art, fashion and design when confronted with the overwhelming commodification of culture? How does one find meaning in art if its significance is equated with its price?
Registration for this event is now closed. For more information please call 212-488-5536.
Sponsorship provided by Lehman Brothers

The Art Show 2008. Photo Credit: Holger Thoss
The Museum of Modern Art11 West 53rd Street
New York, NY 10019
Gavin Brown
Gallerist, Gavin Brown's enterprise
Paul Schimmel
Chief Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Gordon VeneKlasen
Gallerist, Michael Werner
Amanda Sharp
Co-Director, Frieze Art Fair
Roberta Smith
Art Critic, The New York Times
Allan Schwartzman
Art advisor and writer